
Financial Management and Planning Faith From a Christian Perspective

February 1, 2018

On four Sundays, February 4 and 11 and March 4 and 11 from 9:15 to 10:25, Vicki Elliott from Thrivent Financial will join us in the Library for the Faith Forum to talk about financial management and planning from a Christian perspective. The group will not only talk about budgets, but also about values, and how our financial plans and goals can reflect your beliefs and what you care about.

At recent Faith Forums focused on the relationship between our finances and our faith, participants requested more sessions focused on financial management and planning. All of the sessions taught by Vicki Elliott are free. We hope you can attend as many as possible and please feel free to invite a friend or three. Below are some encouraging stories about people who attended similar workshops with Vicki Elliott.

Allison, a young woman in her late hadn’t learned much from her parents about budgeting or finances.  She had recently finished college and graduate school, was stressed about her student loans, and now had rent and a car payment.  She felt that the Thrivent financial workshop helped her get some basic budget groundwork set, understand her credit score and why it’s important, and gave her a better idea of why investing is important to her future and security.  After the workshop, Allison started investing through her work plan and has set a path to pay down her debt using the concepts from the workshop.

John is in his 50’s and has been very frugal, worked hard and has saved a lot of money.  He still wonders if it’s enough and if he has it invested in the right things. What about social security?  Will it still be there?  He doesn’t have to worry about budgeting, he has that down.  He feels that the financial workshop he attended provided some details on how finances work with his values. He had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers.  John learned some investment techniques and how to make his money work for him.

A couple in their early 60’s came to a financial management and planning workshop two years ago.  They attended each session and had good questions along the way.  The last evening of the workshop, they said, “we will never be able to retire, we know that”.  The workshop leader, Vicki Elliott, asked them to consider meeting with her so she could take a second look at their financial picture and see if there was any help she could offer.  They reluctantly decided to meet.  After going through their specific situation, she told them they had “enough” to meet their retirement goals.

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