"Generosity: Trusting in God's abundance and sharing what God has entrusted to us."
Several St. Matthew's parishioners offered their personal stories and understanding of generosity:
Some Thoughts on Gratitude
Many of you over the years have expressed to me your gratitude for the music we make, whether it was a moment in a song that you found particularly moving, the overall quality of our musicianship when we attempt challenging pieces, or our efforts to diversify our repertoire to reflect the global composition of both the Anglican communion and our little parish, to celebrate more deeply with Christians around the world and throughout the ages. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute, to be generous in adding my talents and thereby multiplying those the church brings forth, to help make the service more meaningful for all of you.
I know all of you similarly contribute your own talents and resources as part of our church's many other ministries that improve our worship, fellowship, or relationship with our community. I know this is one of the more active churches around, with members not just gathering passively for service but themselves serving in so many ways. Some of these we notice every week, like the participants in the service or those making the food we share afterwards, while others are more invisible, like my wife, Maclore who is right now downstairs in the nursery helping care for our youngest parishioners, or those who work in social justice to use our resources to make our city and world a fairer place, or those who offer their gifts in the collection plate. For all these and more, I am grateful.
Moreover, I am grateful to be able to raise my daughter here, where she can learn generosity by contributing her own talents, both visibly, as torchbearer or reader in the service, and invisibly; at this moment, she is downstairs helping with Godly Play, and last week she helped the Altar Guild with the Easter decorations. I know her interest in such things was facilitated and stimulated by the generosity of everyone else, both with their finances and their abilities. I am grateful that we model behavior for the next generation wherein we all have more by sharing more with each other, and use it to bequeath to them a more grateful and generous world.
More Stories Continue Here....
To read more parishioner stories on Generosity and Giving, please click on the attachments below: