At St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, hospitality is a core spiritual practice, and hospitality opens space in our hearts and lives to give and receive in relationship with neighbors and strangers alike. We offer hospitality as we focus on sharing the Good News of Jesus and apprenticing people who want to follow his way.
Our building shelters us and enables us to follow our call as we worship, strengthen our faith, and meet together in ministry. Our building also serves people on the margins of our society and world. When our building is not in use for worship or Christian formation, we offer our library, common room, parish hall, and kitchen for the use of other non-profit groups and families that seek to meet the spiritual, physical, educational, and social needs of our broader community. Our building is not available on
Sundays or Wednesdays.
For more information, please read our Building Use FAQ. If you would like reserve building use, please use our online Building Use Request form. You can also contact the office (office@stmatthewsmn.org or 651-645-3058) to get a print form. Once your request has been approved, you’ll be asked to pay any applicable fees and sign a building use agreement.