St. Matthew’s offers a Rite II Eucharist service on Wednesdays at noon. This takes place in the smaller side chapel, followed by a provided shared lunch in the parish hall. The main church doors will be closed, but you may enter from the Chelmsford door. This is an intimate and moving service, with a group discussion and reflection on the week's scripture lessons in place of a homily.
This spring, we are reading the Epistles from the lectionary, which we are not reading on Sundays because of the God's Stories, Our Stories theme. Because of the kitchen renovation, we are not able to have the shared meal afterwards, but we welcome all attendees to bring a bag lunch to eat afterwards and catch up with others. There are a small refrigerator, a microwave oven, and an electric kettle available in the atrium.
You are warmly welcomed to join us any Wednesday!