Eucharistic Rite II with liturgy and music from the Anglican tradition....
St. Matthew's style of worship is "diverse traditional." Our services are dignified and beautiful to both the eyes and the ears, often including elements from liturgies used in other parts of the world, including China, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, New Zealand, England, and Scotland. We enjoy the beauty and power of some of the spiritual expressions of people in the Anglican Communion and other countries. People of all faiths are welcome and all are invited to take communion. After the service everyone gathers for a coffee hour in the parish hall.
On the second Sunday of the month all children are welcome to come forward to a special children's altar for a closer view of the Eucharistic preparations. Our worship is "family-friendly" -- a toddler wandering down the aisle will get smiles, not scowls -- however a nursery is provided for children under five. The nursery is staffed continuously by two adult caregivers.
We offer the Episcopal rite of healing in our side chapel during the service as well as 30 minutes following the service for those who need further prayer. The rite involves the laying on of hands and anointing with oil for those who desire healing for themselves or for somebody else.