We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:6)
One of the pleasures of being in community is the opportunity to share your gifts, the things you do well and the things you enjoy. The ministries of St. Matthew's offer opportunities for the sharing of many and diverse gifts. To volunteer or learn more about these ministries, call the office at (651) 645-3058, or talk to the Rector when you're at church.
- Worship. Many people are needed to put on our services, including the Worship Ministry Team to plan them, the Altar Guild and Decorations Group to prepare for them, and acolytes, ushers, chalice bearers, and readers to assist during the service.
- Social Justice. St. Matthew's members are active in many areas of service to the poor and needy, as well as advocacy for important causes.
- Art. St. Matthew's has many fine artists who bless us with regular shows in our Undercroft Gallery and contribute art to our other programs.
- Music. St. Matthew's is blessed with talented singers and instrumentalists. There are opportunities for musicians of all ages, including children and youth, and at all levels of experience.
- Education. With support from our children's and youth ministry directors, you can teach children in the Godly Play, Faith for Life and Youth programs or assist with monthly intergenerational gatherings. You can also share your knowledge by leading a discussion at the Adult Forum. For more information, see the Learning pages and talk to our child and youth ministry coordinator Terese Lewis.
- Hospitality. Our Brother Lawrence Guild has a wonderful reputation far and wide for the meals and snacks they prepare for church events. If you like to cook or prepare food, contact Rosa Uy or Karen Pfeifle - we would love to have you join us!
- Generosity. We have a year-round stewardship effort - encouraging members to give their time, talent and treasure to our church. Contact Dan White for more information.
- Leadership. The lay governing board of the church is the Vestry, whose members are elected at the annual parish meeting. The Vestry oversees a number of other groups, that love to have new volunteers, including the Stewardship Committee and the Property Committee (where you can put your handyman skills to good use).