Blair Pogue
The Rev. Dr. Blair Pogue has been the rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in St. Paul since 2005. Before that she was the Associate Rector for Adult Christian Formation at Church of the Holy Comforter in Vienna, Virginia. A desire to understand God’s missional nature as well as the changing nature of church leadership led her to undertake a Doctor of Ministry in Congregational Leadership and Mission at Luther Seminary. She grew up in a secular family in Southern California, and is interested in helping those inside and outside the church participate in God’s life more fully by developing a biblical imagination and engaging in intentional spiritual practices including prayer, simplicity, discernment, hospitality, generosity, gratitude, and reconciliation. Before completing a Master of Divinity degree at Yale Divinity School in 2000, she was a doctoral candidate in American history at the College of William and Mary. In her free time she likes to read, play tennis, go to the theatre, and spend time with her husband Dwight and son Luke.